Friday, November 27, 2009

- "is it really such a LUCK?" -

Have you ever heard this song?
"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend.."
a song that sung by Jason Mraz..

Well.. Honestly for me it's NOT such a luck to fall in love with a best friend..
Why?? Yeahh,, maybe it's a real luck when your best friend DOES fall in love with you too.. But how if it's not? If it's only you who love your best friend,, but she/he doesn't fall in love with you?

It must be so hurt when one of you hopes for a further relationship (more than just to be a best friend), while the other doesn't..
And when you know that your best friend doesn't have any special feeling to you,, believe it or not,, your "best friend" relationship will never be the same anymore. It will be ruined. There'll be a distance between the two of you, each of you will go away step by step, getting farther and farther,, and there tend to be no more close relationship just like before..
The same thing also happens when you break up with your boy/girlfriend who WAS your best friend..

Once this such a thing happens,, you'll realize that you've lost one of your best friend in your life..
Just because you fall in love with him/her,, but the story ends unhappily..
Then a friendship breaks..

Maybe you'll change the lyrics of the song then,
"UNLUCKY I'm in love with my best friend.."

Well.. At least,, I did unlucky :(


Ryamutz said...

gpp-lah cit.. namanya juga pembelajaran hidup..
Ngerti khan skrg??
Dipahami.. diresapi & jgn diulangi...

astrid marcella said...

Hehehe.. okayy..
hopefully I don't slip into the same hole for d 2nd time!! wkwkwk..
but yeah,, i've learnt something n I don't regret of what had happened :)

Dennise said...

hey triidd, masih bisa lah jadi bestfriend. gw ada cerita soal itu kok yg persis sama. hahaha. nanti aku msg ya

astrid marcella said...

den,, i've read ur msg.. thx for sharing yah den :)
aku udh reply tu,, pjg bgt hehe..
kmu reply lg yahh..
thx beb..

Dennise said...

oh iya lupa ini link blog aku,heheh.


is that him that we always talking about? if yes, you're lying to me beb, n the most important is, you're lying to urself if you have more feeling to him.. :( smangat bebh!!