Sunday, January 2, 2011

- "happy NEW YEAR!!" -

Heyyyy HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 all! :)
I spent this new year eve at Puncak with my family and my brother's girlfriend.. I didn't have any internet connection there so I couldn't write my blog to say happy new year to you hehe..

Anyway, I want to say thanks to the people that were in my life through 2010..

Thanks to those who HATED me,
they made me a stronger person

Thanks to those who LOVED me,
they made my heart bigger

Thanks to those who were WORRIED about me,
they let me know that they actually cared

Thanks to those who LEFT me,
they made me realize that nothing lasts forever

Thanks to those who ENTERED my life,
they made me who I am today

Just want to THANK YOU for being there in my life whatever I might have meant to you.

Let everything be new! (",)
Happy new year 2011!!
God bless us through the following new year :)


Ria Wulandari said...

Happy new year best friend..
keep this friendship ever after yaa..
I'll keep saying this words next year and the other next year..

SEMANGAT ya di tahun 2011.. ; )

astrid marcella said...

Happy new year too bestiest!! :D
amiiinnn.. I'll keep saying this words too forever :)
sip2 kt SEMANGATTT yaaa! Dah taun trakir kuliah nii hehe.. ;)