Sunday, March 28, 2010

- "Count my BLESSINGS." -

I'm trying to count all my blessings that I've got in my life until today ^.^
Here's the list..

1. I have Jesus in my life, The One that I can lean on.

2. I have a nice house, the only place which makes me feel safe and a place that I always want to go after being tired spending time out there.

3. I have a comfortable bedroom, which I love to spend most of my time with and enjoy my own world.

4. I have a super duper best friend whom I can deeply trust to, Ria Wulandari.

5. I have a nuclear family, who loves me and I love too.

6. I have pets which are really cute, the ones that will never ever hurt my heart and always make me laugh.

7. I have a best friend, Sulistia Wijaya, who always teaches me to think positively.

8. I have some sisters in God who always care and listen to my problems.

9. I have some brothers in God who always "bully" me as a way to show that they care of me.

10. I have one big brother that I love so much and he always takes care of me and teaches me to do things well.

11. I have two prayer communities, BiG and Hieronimus, the media for me to grow in Jesus.

12. I have some talents to serve Him, though they're not perfect, but they are given to me so that I can use them to praise Him.

13. I have good gadgets that entertain me everyday, e.g.: iPod, handphone, computer and internet.

14. I have a blog where I can tell my stories and thoughts every time I want to.

15. I have enough money to eat and buy some things that I want.

16. I'm studying in a good catholic university in the right major, and I love it so much.

17. I have good friends and environment in the university and I learn so many things from them.

18. I have experienced some love stories in my life, and though they ended unhappily, but they teach me a lot of things in life and they make me stronger.

19. I have a lot of leisure time to hang out with my friends or just to have "me times".

20. I have a lot of chance to attend the holy mass, either in the workdays or weekends.

21. I have complete parts of the body, and they are well functioned.

22. I have some music instruments at home, something to play when I get bored.

23. I still can breathe the air everyday, and see the sun rises every time I wake up in the morning.

24. I can read The Bible freely every time I want while people in many parts of the world cant.

25. I have good achievements at school and university, and these all just because of Him.

26. I have enough clothes to be worn.

27. I have so many friends to share my laughter and tears.

28. I have a hardworking father who works hard and never gives up to support the family.

29. I have a caring mother who cooks almost everyday for the family.

30. I have loyal maids who help my family taking care of our house.

31. I and my family are healthy enough.

32. I have never been hospitalized. Well, actually I ever had, but it was when I was a little and it wasn't a serious illness.

33. I have a good enough physical appearance.

34. I have a bright future, or at least, I wish I had.

35. I have some big dreams that motivate me and make my life alive.

36. I have a good job as an English teacher and I love it so much.

37. I teach 44 challenging students with different personalities and they are so lovable. They teach me a lot how to be patient.

I thank You a lot for every single thing that I have in my life, Lord..
They are PERFECT! (",)

thank You. thank You. thank You :)


ryamutz said...

hihi.. ada nama gw..
hihi.. asiiikk..

^^supeerr dupeer BFF..^^

Saraaaan.. shrusnya bkn cuma ampe no 37 dun.. sharusnya uncountable.. wakaka..^^

astrid marcella said...

hahaha.. u're welcome beb :)

^^supeerr dupeer BFF too..^^

iyaahh.. sbnrnya uncountable si.. tp yang gw highly realized yg 37 ini hehe.. ntr tiap kali gw inget blessing2 lain,, gw mw tambain lg di postingan ini hohoho.. :)