Thursday, October 30, 2008

- "A Prayer" -

Here's a very nice prayer. I found this prayer through an e-mail yesterday, and I think you have to read it too =D

Dear Lord,

I thank You for this day,
I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning.
I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God.

You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.
Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you.
I ask now for Your forgiveness.

Please keep me safe from all danger and harm.
Help me to start this Day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.

Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind
So that I can hear from You.

Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.

Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over.
And give the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits.

I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart.

Continue to use me to do Your will.
Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others

Keep me strong that I may help the weak...
Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.

I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way.
I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood.
I pray for those who don't know You intimately.
I pray for those that don't believe.

But I thank you that I believe that God changes people and God changes things.
I pray for all my sisters and brothers.
I pray for each and every family member in their households.
I pray for peace, love, and joy in their homes.
I pray that they are out of debt and all their needs are met.
I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no
problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God.

Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight.
I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees it.


One day, I hope that I can pray that prayer not only from my mouth, but from the deepest of my heart =)
GOD bless you.

Friday, October 24, 2008

- "English Days 2008" -

Hey guys..
I've just arrived back home from the English Days 2008 (ED) which was held in Mount Hermon, Puncak.
ED was an event for all of the students of the English Department Atma Jaya Catholic University batch 2008.. We were not allowed to speak Indonesian for 3 days, or else we had to pay 1000 rupiahs every time we caught by the committee while speaking Indonesian hahaha..
Even in our own bedroom we had to speak English because there were committees slept in our room. At first it was sounds weird to speak English all the time, but on the last day, it just sounds weird when we hear someone speaks Indonesian huahahaha.. So silly >.<
And since I'm gonna telling you about the ED,, I'll try to write this blog in English. I hope that I can do it well *finger-crossed* wkwk..

Actually the ED was so tiring,, but it was a lot of fun! We got so many friends and experiences there. We were taught how to be a leader, how to organize an event, how to work together as a team and trust each other, how to make a proposal, how to become a wise person, how to be more creative, etc. The games were also sharpened our mind and abilities.

On the first day, we had several sessions by the lecturers, we watched a movie which titled as "Dangerous Mind" together. This movie taught us how to be a good teacher, since most of us in this faculty wants to be a teacher someday.
My group, which is group 4 was in charge to organize the shower time for the 1st day and the dinner for the 2nd day. We prepared and did it well =)
Our group had a "Military Shower Day" concept for the shower time. We gave only 5 minutes for the boys and 7 minutes for the girls to take a bath. Can you imagine that?! It seemed impossible for us to organize almost 150 people to take a bath only in 5 or 7 minutes for each person. But WE DID IT successfully hehehehe..

As the last activity on the 1st day, each group had to perform several different performance such as a role play, acappella, sing and dance, and parody. My group was in charge to perform the "sing and dance" one. Do you know that we had to sacrifice a lot for this performance? We had to rehearse for the dance almost four times a week since the last 2 weeks. We also had to attend several meetings with our group to prepare everything before the D-day.
It was tiring, really. And we all sacrificed our time, our money and our energy for it. But we gave the best we could that night to perform our "sing and dance". And see,, we were the winner for THE BEST PERFORMANCE!!!!

When we danced, the audience were so enthusiastic, they even screamed, clapped their hands, and sang with us. And they screamed "WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!! WE WANT MORE!!!" when we ended the dance hahahaha.. We felt just like a star wkwk =P
At the end of this session, we were asked to dance one more time with the audience. So we danced twice that night hehe.. It seemed that all of our effort has been paid by the enthusiastic response of the audience. That night we went to sleep with pride =D

For the 2nd night, we had a costume party. It was such a kind of fashion show. Each group had different themes of costumes. My group had a "sweet memories of high school" theme, so all of the member of my group wore the high school uniforms. It was really fun. Felt just like a high school reunion hahaha..

In the morning of the 3rd day, we played a game which is called as "the water war game". From the name of the game, we can already imagine what kind of game it was.
It was a battle between 2 groups using the aqua bottles that was full of water and had a small hole in its cap. Each group had a king and a queen, several attackers and defenders. The attackers had to attack the other group's king and queen, and the defenders had to protect their own king and queen. There were 3 rounds of the game,, the 1st round, the semi-final round and the last was the final round. We had to battle with the committee team at the final round. And at least, we WON the game!!! My group became the champion of this game!!! YIPIE. =D
We were succeed to protect our king and queen,, even all of us, either the attackers or the defenders were getting wet for the whole part of our bodies wkwk >.<
And it was so cold to be wet in the early morning in Puncak. Can you imagine how cold we were? hehe..

After took a shower, we did the English mass. It was my first time to had an English mass and I love it so much =D
If you just realize, the words written or said in the English mass are much deeper than those written in the Indonesian mass. They touch our heart deeper..

Well I have to go to bed right now, cause I've been so tired these last days. But I have no regret for being a participant of the English Days 2008.

Special thanks to:
- My chaperone, Daniel Indra, who worked very hard for my group. You're really a nice, wise and helpful chaperone. We're so glad to had you in the ED. Thank you for all that you have done for us, and we're gonna say sorry if we did something wrong to you T.T

- Group 4, my best group ever.. Thanks for all of you,, who made my days great! Samuel (our captain of the group), Felicia, Ayrine, Citra, Yuliana, Cecillia, Grace, Ellisa and me. We're a great team!! It's nice to worked with you, guys..
Remember our yell2:
We're group 4 and we're here to win
Forget all the rest cause we're the best
Don't even try to block our way
Cause we gonna beat you anyway!
Gggoooo... GROUP 4!!!
made by Daniel Indra*

- Group 5, thx for being our partner in the sing and dance performance. Special thanks to Yonathan as our choreography, Emil as the captain of group 5, Laura as a partner of Yonathan's solo dance, and all the members of group 5.. We performed the sing and dance so greatly!! And don't forget to pose the wildcats position when we're sleeping hahahaha =P

- All of the committees who worked soooooo hard for the success of this event! I know that it's not easy to organize this kinda big event.. But you all DID it almost perfectly!

Congratulations to all of us!! =D
Great job!

So glad to have you, guys ^^

Monday, October 20, 2008

- "how to make 'em SMILE.." -

Entah knapa gw merasa akhir2 ini kok byk orang2 di sekitar gw yg lagi bernasib buruk.. Ada aja hal2 yang ga mengenakkan, yg bikin hari2 gw terisi dengan keluhan2 sedih mereka.. Dari yang sakit,, uts nya ancur,, ilang hp,, masuk masa padang gurun,, kalah tanding,, sampe yang plg parah ada kejadian (lebih cocok disebut bencana) yg shocking bgt sampe gw speechless saat diceritain kemaren.. Sesuatu yang membuat temen gw sgt shock dan meminta dukungan doa.. Sorry but I can't mention it here. Pokoknya byk kejadian2 ga enak yg dialamin temen2 gw scara berturut2 gt..

Dan tiba2 setelah ngedenger crita2 mrk,, gw kaget saat menyadari ternyata gw amat sangat pengen membuat mrk bs tersenyum lg,, bs ketawa lg dan ngelupain smua kejadian ga enak itu.. Gw sendiri jg kaget saat keinginan itu tiba2 muncul bgtu aja.. Slama ini mgkn gw lebi sering sekedar jadi pendengar mereka, tp gw merasa gw jarang melakukan sesuatu yang bs membuat mereka terhibur. Krn jujur, kdg disaat mrk cerita, gw bingung mesti ngomong apa untuk menghibur mereka..
Tapi satu hal yg br gw sadari skarang, ternyata gw pengen membuat orang2 di sekitar gw -smua orang, gak cm yg lg sedih aja-, bs ketawa ato seenggaknya merasa terhibur saat bersama gw.. Gw rela kok dijadiin badut ancol kek bagi mrk, ato maw buli2 gw mpe puas jg gpp dah,, asal bs bikin mrk ketawa dan hepi.. Tp gmana caranya ya? Gw bukan seseorang yang lucu, gw ga pinter ngelawak, gw ga pinter menghibur orang dengan kata2, dan gw jg bukan seorang penasehat yang baik..
Gw ga tau mesti gmana. Gw cm pny kerinduan aja di dalem hati bwt ngeliat mrk ketawa dan terhibur saat bersama gw, walopun sbnrnya mrk lg pny masalah.. Humph.

Kalo boleh,, berikan aku karunia sukacita dan penghiburan dong, Tuhan. Supaya lewat aku, Kau bs memberi penghiburan bwt mrk.. Aku srius meminta ini padaMu.. Amin.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

- "The pain will pass." -

Pagi ini gw baca renungan di buku renungan gw, Manna Sorgawi edisi Oktober 2008.
Judulnya "Rasa Sakit Akan Berlalu."
Umm.. Gw heran,, selalu adaaaa aja cara Tuhan ngejawab doa gw, ngejawab kebingungan gw, ketakutan gw.. Entah lewat renunganlah, lewat temen2 disekitar gwlah, lewat kluarga gw, dsb2.
Smalem gw tidur dalam kegalauan, dengan byk pikiran dan ketakutan, walaupun sblomnya gw masi tetep ketawa2 ma tmen sblom tdr.. But in fact, there's a big FEAR deep down in my heart. Kyk blog yg gw tulis semalem. Gw takut. Tiba2 gw takut untuk merasakan sakit lg. Gw ngerasa blom siap aja.
Dan pagi ini,, tiba2 gw baca renungan dgn judul spt itu.. Gw merasa ini bener2 jawaban penghiburan yg mgkn gw cari slama ini.. Thank You, Lord.

Renungan hari ini blg bhw rasa sakit itu ga akan selamanya bertahan, ia pasti akan berlalu. Prinsip ini yang harus kt pegang selama hidup di dunia ini, krn kalo nggak, kt ga akan pernah keluar sebagai pemenang. Suka duka silih berganti, jadi jalanilah setiap keadaan dengan tekun. The pain passes, but the beauty remains. Rasa sakit akan berlalu, tetapi keindahan akan tetap bertahan. Ini mengajarkan kita untuk senantiasa tekun dan sabar menjalani hari2 yang menyesakkan, karena ketekunan itu mengerjakan keindahan. Jadi, jgn lagi memandang kesakitan atau penderitaan sebagai sesuatu yang permanen. Hidup ini mrpkn sebuah perjalanan panjang. Mungkin hari ini kt menangis, tetapi esok dan seterusnya kita akan tertawa.

I'm really hoping so. Gw berharap gw bs ketawa setelah ngelewatin smuanya. Gw bener2 sdg menanti hari itu, dmana gw bs mengecap smua hasil kesakitan gw. Dimana smua rasa sakit itu terbayar dengan buah yang manis. Entah kapan. Tapi satu hal gw percaya, bhw waktu Tuhan selalu tepat, indah pada waktunya. Amin.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

- "Fear" -

this fear comes out
once again.

I can't handle it
I can't control it
I can't stop it

I ashame of this feeling.
Makes me feel so stupid
and makes me hate my self.

I know that I may not feel like this anymore
There's nothing to be scared
There's nothing to be feared.

It's just about time
about process
about healing
about chances

But what do I have to do
when this fear appears
without my expectation?

I wanna cry on.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

- "good bye." -

I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

totally F.R.E.E

I've deleted those all

It's time for me to raise up.
It's time for me to forget it all.
It's time for me to move on.

Finally,, I can do it.

even it was really hard at first.

But see, I DID it!!


For all the sweetness
and the bitterness
you've given in my life
they all make me stronger and stronger.

From now on, i can spread out my wings and fly away =)

good bye, dear.
thank you for everything..

Monday, October 6, 2008

- "how to be TOUGH." -

Sometimes love makes us laugh
Sometimes it brings happiness to our life
Sometimes it sweetens our days
Sometimes it brightens our nights

but sometimes..
Love hurts.
It may leave scars in our heart
and tears in our eyes

Sometimes love becomes so complicated
Sometimes love can't be understandable
Sometimes love can be so blind till it hurts

But one thing that I know
that we have to be TOUGH.
Look up to the sky when we fall down
Stand up bravely before we laid down

Experiences in our life,
either happiness or sadness,
are the best teachers for us
to teach us how to be tough..

*inspired by friend's and my love stories*

Sunday, October 5, 2008

- "TRUST in the LORD" -

One STEP at a time
One PRAYER at a time
One PRAISE at a time
and everything will fall into place before you

When you are tired and feel like you can't go on,
that you can't take one more step,
that's when God will pick you up
and carry you through

whatever difficulty you're facing
no problem or difficulty lasts forever.
Things come and go.

Life is like a roller coaster, but God is constant.
His love for you is always there,
and He will get you through any challenge that you face

God is never too busy for you
In fact, He is always there for you
just waiting for you to ask Him anything you want
and then He loves to answer your prayers =)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

- "GREAT is your reward." -

Hi guys..
Skarang gw lg liburan di puncak.. Dah bbrp hari disini,, dan jujur gw udah mulai agak boring si hehe.. Gak byk yang bs gw lakuin disini,, gw lebi demen liburan di jkt aja, di rmh gw, bs jalan2 ma temen2 dsb.. Tp apa bole buat, ga da alesan bwt gw utk ga ikut pegi kali ini huhu T.T

Slama disini gw lebi byk ngabisin wkt buat maen ma spupu2 gw yang masi kecil2,, ato selsein baca buku ROME SWEET HOME (yang akhirnya br aja selse gw baca 2 jam yang lalu),, ato dengerin lagu dari hp sambil merenung2 dan akhirnya ketiduran hahaha..

Krn saking kurang kerjaannya,, gw berkali2 bolak balik pasang lagu THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THE LORD-nya Ray Boltz mulu.. Gak bosen2. Makin gw perhatiin liriknya,, makin betah gw dengerin lagu ini.. Sebenernya nadanya si biasa aja, tp liriknya itu loh yang dalem bgt.. Pertama kali gw tau lagu ini, dari PDKK St.Hieronimus di kampus gw.. Sktr 3 minggu lalu, mrk adain sign language pake lagu ini.. Awalnya jujur gw gak gt ngerti apa sih yang dimaksud dari lagu ini,, tp setelah gw baca pelan2 liriknya gw makin ngerti dan tersentuh dengan lagu ini..

Gw tulisin liriknya buat kalian =)
coba dibaca n dipahami ya..

Thank You for Giving to The Lord
I dreamt I went to Heaven, you were there with me

We walked upon the streets of gold beside the crystal sea
We heard the angels singing, then someone called your name
You turned and saw this young man, and he was smiling as he came

He said, "Friend you may not know me now," and then he said,

"But wait -You used to teach my Sunday School, when I was only eight.
And every week you would say a prayer before the class would start.
And one day when you said that prayer,I asked Jesus in my heart."

Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am a life that was changed
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave

Then another man stood before you, he said,
"Remember the time, a missionary came to your church, His pictures made you cry.
You didn't have much money but you gave it anyway.
Jesus took that gift you gave,
And that's why I'm in Heaven today"

Thank you for giving to the Lord

I am a life that was changed
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave

One by one they came, far as your eyes could see

Each life somehow touched by your generosity
Little things that you had done, sacrifices that you made
They were unnoticed on this earth,
In Heaven now proclaimed

And I know up in Heaven you're not supposed to cry
But I am almost sure there were tears in your eyes
As Jesus took your hand and you stood before the Lord
He said "My child look around you, Great is your reward."

Thank you for giving to the Lord

I am a life that was changed
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave
I am so glad you gave...

Nah,, itu liriknya.. Umm.. ngerti kan kira2 mksdnya dari lagu itu apa?! =)
Intinya,, hal2 kecillll aja yang kita lakukan di dunia bwt orang2 di sekeliling kt,, yang bahkan mgkn gak gt berarti bagi kt sendiri, yang kt lupain dengan cepet, hal2 sederhana aja,, ternyata bs menjadi begitu berarti buat orang lain! Bahkan mgkn membuat mrk menerima dan mengenal Yesus Kristus. Kadang Tuhan gak selalu meminta kita utk berkotbah dimana2,, untuk selalu berbicara ttg Tuhan pada setiap orang yang kt temui,, tp kt bs membuat orang menerima Yesus lewat hal2 kecil yang kt lakukan dalam hidup kt..

Spt salah satu crita dalam lirik di atas, ada seorang guru skolah minggu yang setiap minggu mimpin doa sebelum kelas,, ternyata doanya itu udah membuat salah seorang muridnya menerima Kristus dalam hatinya..
Ternyata ada banyakkk hal2 sederhana yang mungkin gak diperhitungkan oleh dunia saat kt melakukannya,, tp itu akan diperhitungkan bagi kt di Surga..
Ayo lakukan sesuatu utk Dia, sekecil apapun itu, namun disertai dengan hati yang tulus.. Dan Tuhan sendiri yang pada akhirnya akan blg pada kt, "My child look around you, Great is your reward." =)
indah skali, bukan?!