Thursday, September 1, 2011

- "new EMAIL address." -

I'm changing my email address from into since now and then..
Actually I have been using my stupid-yet-unique address of email "monyetminumbir" for the past 7 years and it's been one of my 1st emails that I have haha.. I DO love that email address though some people don't and think that I'm a bit crazy :P
Well.. At least it's a memorable address of an email, right? ^^

I made my first NORMAL email address, "astrid.marcella", at the first time I entered the university. At that time one of my lecturers asked my email to send some assignments, I was ashamed to tell her that my email was "monyetminumbir", so I created a new normal email address then haha :P
I planned to use my old email to operate some of the social networks such as FB, twitter, blog, skype, etc. and use my new email for sending and receiving any kinds of assignments or emails related to the university or any other formal institutional works. But unfortunately, I came back again using my old one coz actually I'm a kinda person that doesn't like using 2 emails at the same time. At the end, I will only activate one of them which I use the most.. Haha..

Well.. I think it's time for me to use a better and more "professional" email address than the "monyetminumbir" one.. I'm doing my Scientific Writing this semester and my advisor prefers to send everything about my SW through my second "normal" email.. So I have no other choice, as what I've told before, I would rather use one active email only. So I think it's better for me to start moving to my second email, changing my social networks emails into "" and leaving my old unique one :')

Hihi I'm a bit sad knowing that I'm not gonna use my unique email address anymore coz that email has given me a lot of memories for the past 7 years.. I've sent and received so many assignments, notes, reflections, stories, reminders, letters from my relatives and friends, and even spams and junks ^^
And it's been like an "identity" for me every time anybody asks me about what my email address is :)

But yeah I know I can't use that email forever though. Sooner or later I have to change my email with a more proper address regarding to my professionalism and increasing age..

So guys, from now on, please kindly change my email address into :)

I'll activate it and this email is ready to do its job for me! :D

Good bye my memorable "".. Thanks for helping me in the past 7 years :)



yaaaahhhh, saia lbh suka yg MONYET MINUM BIRRRR hahahaha =))

astrid marcella said...

hahaha.. iyaa sii sbnrnya gw jg lbh suka yg monyeminumbirrrrr hiksss T.T