Tuesday, December 31, 2013

- "Thank you, 2013." -

This year I loved.
This year I've lost.
This year I've changed.
This year was hard.
Hard, but I learned a lot.

I've learned that people can be fake.
I've learned that people can hurt you a lot,
without giving a shit about it.
I've learned that good people can change in a minute
when their hearts get broken.
I've met great people, but mean people as well. 

But the most important thing I've learned
is that every person in this world is strong enough to let go.
To let go of that painful past of yours
that broke your heart into million pieces.

People come and go, that's life.
The most important thing is
to stand up and realize
that you deserve something better than a person that gives up on you.

2013, thank you for all the lessons :')
2014, I'm ready.

Friday, December 27, 2013

- "Merry XMAS 2013" -

Dear all clients, family and friends,
I'm wishing you a joyful 
Be blessed in all the way :)

With love,
Astrid Make Up Artist
bb pin: 28969CCC
line: astridmarcella
FB: Astrid Make Up Artist (www.facebook.com/astrid.makeupartist)
Instagram: astridmakeupartist