Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dear my beloved brother..

Tomorrow is gonna be my only-brother's marriage day..
It's all been prepared since last year when he proposed his girl who's now going to be my sister in law soon :)

What do I feel?
I thought that I'd feel nothing about his leaving and everything would be just the same as usual..
But I know that I'm totally wrong since now I suddenly decide to write this blog just to share all about my random emotions that come across my mind and heart, realizing that within less than 24 hours my bro will leave this house and my family to start his new life with his new family :')
It's been months since the last time I wrote my latest blog but tonight I have no other better way to say everything to my beloved bro (you know, I would definitely cry before I say A WORD to him, so maybe it's just better to write everything here just to let him know what I feel now..)

Dear my beloved-only-brother, Daniel V.W.,
Life's not always easy for us..
When we're just a little brother and sister, we quarreled a lot..
You always made me feel annoyed and made me cried each day,
Then I always came to mom or dad to tell them everything and then they got mad to you :P

When you were in Junior High School and I was in Primary School..
You always made me waiting for you playing football at school for hours in exhaust!
Never gonna forget the way we treated our driver at that time *sensor* hahaha :P

When you were in Senior High School and I was in Junior High School..
We became more mature and got closer to each other
We told stories and jokes.. We laughed in my room from night till dawn..
We talked about everything: families, friends, special friends, dreams, culinary, religions, simply EVERYTHING!
We made many crazy recordings (which I still keep until now)
We didn't even sleep those nights coz we never ran out of topics while being together
We were really close even 'till I was at University..
Even some of my friends were envious coz they were not close to their brother/sister like us!

Sometimes we got angry and didn't talk to each other when we both were not in the mood
But as soon as we've got better, we always laughed together again ^^
Within 22 years of my life and 26 years of yours in our family, we've been through a lot of things together..
Not only good times, but there were also many hard times in our family..
Yes, a very hard one, but we managed to survive together and strengthened each other!
When our parents quarreled, it was only you whom I could talk to :')
I always shared everything to you and so you did to me..

Time goes by so fast..
Tomorrow is gonna be your wedding day!
I never thought that you'll be married on 26 years old, never thought that I would lose a brother that fast :')

Dear brother,
I've always been wishing the best for you and for the rest of your life! :)
I do feel sad when I realize that we've got even farther day by day since last year :')
We rarely told stories and spend times together now because of so many things happened unpredictably..
And we're definitely not as close as before :')
But that's alright coz now I can see that you've really found your happiness and I'm happy for you, really! ^^

I'm gonna miss you in this house
Gonna miss the way we chatted late at night in my room
Gonna miss the way you woke up at noon
Gonna miss the way we told stupid jokes just like stupid 10 years old children
Gonna miss everything about you here, bro! :')

I'm sorry for everything about me that annoys you through these whole years,
you know I never really mean it..
I'm sorry for often misunderstand you and get mad to you unreasonably..
I'm sorry if I've ever been wrong in judging you..

Thanks for taking care of me these years,
and for driving me to campus or my workplace..
Thanks for all the advice and suggestions,
for the strengths and cheers when I get down..
I've learned so many things that I will never forget from you..

I just want you to know that I've always been loving you as my only brother, and I've always been thankful for having a bro like you, with all your strengths and weaknesses in my eyes :')
I really wish that we would still have a good and close relationship even after you get married tomorrow :)
Really wish nothing would change between us as brother and sister forever :)

I love you, bro!
Have I ever told you about that? :)
If I haven't, now at least you know it.. :')

Take a good care always bro! :)
Nobody could ever replace your place in my heart.
Never forget our parents and me, ok ;)
Feel free to share everything with me if you need.. Coz I'll forever be your little sister ^^
It's a fact that would never change :)

P.S: I wish I could hug you on your wedding day without getting tears rolled down in my eyes!

With a hugeeee hugss n love,,

Your forever sist, Astrid :)


Daniel V.W said...

Dul, besok2 gw masih ke rumah lagi kok, at least for the next one year I guess.. barang2 gw masih banyak bgt soalnya!! hauhauhauha apalagi klo si acil masih idup hauhauhauha

Tapi parah, loe bisa nulis sepanjang ini ya... ckckckc
Tenang aja dul, it's just another level of life for all of us. Life do change, tapi every level has its own balance. Teori gw sih bgitu. hehehehe Jadi walopun gw ga serumah lagi, pasti nanti ada hal2 laen yg bikin tetep deket kok.

Masih untung gw pindah nya deket loe =p

Pas loe bilang "the only bro", gw jadi mikir, jgn2 ini ya makanya org mau punya sodara kandung tuh minimal 3. biar ga langsung sepi2 amat. hahaha

btw, loe bsk mau nangis gr2 loe dsuruh jadi pembantu kan? hauhauhaua

Anyway, be wiser & wiser ya. Kita semua hrs trs belajar utk jadi wiser. Coba liat segala nya dari berbagai sudut pandang. Jadi loe bs jaga diri. And bonyok jg.

Thank you, sorry, and good luck. And have fun! It was nice growing up with you.

You forever bro, Daniel V.W.

Btw, tentang stupid jokes itu, ntar tetep gw kirim2in deh huahauhauha

astrid marcella said...

iyaa bener.. gw ngarep kt a least 3 bersodara, seriously! hehe..
trus untung gw udh pny co nil, jd ga trlalu gmana2 bgt kesepiannya.. kl blm pny? haduw ga kebayang gw.. :'(

btw awas yeh lo nyulik si myu.. ntr gantian si kepi yg kesepian noh sodara tunggalnya dculik! hahaha :P

iya neh, sedih bener gw dsuru jd pembantu inval besok! ampun dehhh ga sangka skolah tinggi2 ujung2nya jd pembantu loe huhu.. nasib amattt -.-" wkwk

bener yah ttp kirimin stupid jokesnya hehe.. sering2 maen ke kmr gw dong lo tengah mlm *minta dgampar ci shinta* hahahaha!
ntar gw nginep ahh di GG, siapin kamar yee! :P

Anyway, success for tomorrow's wedding ya! Gw siap jd pembantu sehari lo dah.. tp inget cm SEHARI ya! *harus pake CAPSLOCK* hahaha..

Yes, it was nice growing up with you :)

Veliska said...


baru baca blogmu..

really really love your words..

kdg kita baru sadar betapa kita sayang sama orang justru di saat orang itu akan ninggalin kita ya.. hehe

walau ga kenal koko mu, rasanya jd campur aduk baca postinganmu..

brasa soalnya aku berdua jg sm adeku sih..
cm blm melewati masa spt km aja.

salam ya buat kokomu..
happy wedding!
(walaupun telat.. hehe..)

nice to see how close you are with your only bro.. :)

astrid marcella said...

Ci vel.. sorry bgt aku baru tau cc ngepost comment dsini.. ak ga dapet notif nya di email, jd gak ke approve haha.. hr ini br iseng2 buka blog lg n baru ngeh ada komen dr cc yg blm ke approve sama ak >.<

hehe iya cii.. sedih mulu ak kl baca tulisanku sendiri yg ini :')
kadang kangen jg sm si ko2.. skrg dy dah ga serumah sm aku soalnya.. sepi drmh jd anak tunggal.. banyakan main sm cat n dog drmh aja skrg aku hahaha :')

aku tiap kali baca tulisanku yg ini psti jd mellow sndiri n netes2.. walopun udh baca kesekian kalinya haha.. pas nulis sndiri pun malem itu aku ampe banjir ga tau brp tisu deh yg aku abisin wkwk..

someday u might feel the same feeling when you or ur only bro getting married :)

iya ci, br brasa bgt someone worths a lot in our life when they're leaving us huhu :')

anyway thanks for dropping by a comment on my blog ya ci :) and thanks for spending ur time reading it hehe..

nanti aku sampein salam cc ke ko2ku yaa ^^

Veliska said...

pantesss ak bingung kq tau2 ada email notif ttg blogmu gt..
iya gpp kq, trid..
nice to read your words.. :) :)