Wednesday, July 28, 2010

- "I TRUST in YOU" -

Saat ku tak melihat jalanMu

Saat ku tak mengerti rencanaMu
Namun tetap kupegang janjiMu
Pengharapanku hanya padaMu

Hatiku percaya..
Hatiku percaya..
Hatiku percaya..
S'lalu kupercaya..

Yes it's true, Lord..
When everything seems like going wrong
When I can't even understand Your plans
I keep only one thing in my heart: I TRUST IN YOU :)
for Your plans are always gonna be THE BEST for me..

"For I know the plans I have for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans TO PROSPER you and NOT TO HARM you,
plans TO GIVE you HOPE and FUTURE."

- Jeremiah 29:11 NIV -

What a beautiful promise of the LORD (",)


Ricca said...

aku mau tau judul lagunya dan siapa yang nyanyiin :) sepertinya bagus.. kasih tau lewat email yah :)

Thanks de

astrid marcella said...

hatiku percaya by edward chen cii :)
ini lagu lama bgt hehe.. iyaa bgs n enak lagunyaa ^^

Ria Wulandari said...

hehe.. I do trust you LORD.. : )

astrid marcella said...

@ria: :)