Friday, July 17, 2009

- "GOD is There.." -
by: Fonny Jodikin

When you think that
no one can understand your feelings,
God is there
And He understands you
more than you understand yourself

When you think that life is painful
And even your loved ones could hurt you
so badly..
God is there
He will be there for you
And He will lift you up
As long as you put your trust in Him

When you think that your beautiful dreams
have scattered and ran out of place
He is there
To mend your dreams
To collect all of the puzzles
and make them brand new
And He could bring you to higher dreams
Higher or even much more higher
Than you could have ever imagined

When you feel so alone
So lonely in this world
Even though there are a lot of people surround you
God is there
And He will feel the emptiness inside you
He'll fill with love and care
Like no other..
No other people can do it

When you feel you're running out of energy
To walk
To talk
To smile
To trust other people
To cry for help
He is there
God is there to give you new strength in each new day

When you feel so distracted
So stressful
So depressed
So anxious and worried
About your past
About your present
Or even about your future..
Actually, He was there
He is there
He'll be there for you
until forever

For whatever you think
God is there
For whatever you feel
God is there
His faithfulness is amazing
People may come and go in your life
Problems and happiness will also take turn to fill our life
But God is there
For every reason of your life..


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